Looking for a delicious light lunch or snack to add to your pantry, but have no idea of where to get the most inventive recipe ideas? Whether a vegan or Carnetarian, there’re many dehydrated recipes you can try out. Try one of our vegan dehydrator recipes right now!
Dehydrated food is nutritious and vitamin-filled, making it healthy for human use. Stay around to learn the best veggie recipes through which you can make tasty desserts, backpacking meals, light lunch, and snacks just by using your food dehydrator.
In this article:
10 Easy Vegan Dehydrator Recipes You Need to Try Right Now
1. Watermelon Chips
Have you ever asked yourself what a dehydrated watermelon would make? It’s possible you’ve never figured it out since you’re accustomed to eating raw watermelon. Drying a watermelon in a dehydrator gives you sweet chips with taffy uniformity. While the taste of the melon will be concentrated during the drying process, it won’t improve, so get a melon that tastes great.
Get your watermelon and cut it into halves. Divide the halves into quarters and the quarters into semi-quarters to get ½ inch strips. Remove the peel out of the pieces and place the slices on the trays of your dehydrator.
Use a screen to remove the melon chips from the trays since they’re a bit sticky. Dry the melons at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 hours to get quality and fully cooked chips. And that’s all you need to do to get sweet chips to enjoy on Monday evening after a tedious day or carry while mountaineering or camping.
2. Kale Chips
We all know kale as a nutritious vegetable filled with healthy vitamins, calcium, and iron. It’s good to note that it’s super potent in antioxidants. If you own a dehydrator, you can try the new recipe of turning kale into chips. Get a bunch of large kale, table salt, olive oil, and extra virgin. Get rid of the tough midribs and leaf stalks since they will make your kale chips taste not so good.
Clean your kale leaves and dry them out with spinner salad or dish towel. Tear the kale into small chips-size pieces and then place them into a mixture of olive oil and salt. Now, put them on your dehydrator trays. Set the temperature at 145 degrees Fahrenheit and let your kale chips cook for about 4 hours.
If you want, you can add some habanero or cheese spices to give your chips a better taste. Enjoy your freshly baked homemade chips at any time of the day to boost your metabolism.
3. Vegan Oatmeal Jerky
If you cherish jerky meals, but your vegan lifestyle doesn’t allow you to cook meat jerky, you can prepare and enjoy vegan oatmeal jerky at home. It’s easy and fun to cook. All you need is one packet of instant oatmeal, cup apple juice, pepper, olive oil, table salt, soy protein, garlic powder, apple juice, and smoked paprika.
Pour the oatmeal and apple juice in a bowl and mix them up. Add your soy protein and all other ingredients and stir them to create a mixture. Give the mix fifteen minutes to rest and then place it on a food processor to form dough. Reel the dough to create a ¼ inch thickness roll-up.
Cut the dough into small pieces and put them on your dehydrator trays. You can also use a jerky cannon to make your life easier. Set the dehydrator temperature to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and leave it to dry for four hours. Enjoy your homemade jerky with your kids or friends at any time.
4. Raspberry Peach Fruit Leather
Drying fruit pulp to create soft leathers with a sweet taste and rubbery texture is fun. If you’ve ever turned your favorite fruits into leather, you know how simple and fun the process is. Creating fruit leathers is more fun and gives the best-tasting and textured leather. Those who love raspberry peach fruit know how sweet and nutritious it is.
You can turn your raspberry peach fruit into sweet-tasting and rubbery textured leather in hours using a dehydrator. The ingredients needed are organic Woodstock peach, nectar or honey (bonus: how to dehydrate honey), and frozen or fresh Woodstock organic raspberries.
Use a food processor to crunch the fruit and nectar to create a smooth puree. Spread the puree on texflex lined dehydrator tray, set the temperature at 110 degrees Fahrenheit and let the puree dry for 8 hours. Once the 8 hours are over, get your leather, peel off the sheet on it, and then enjoy. You can store the leftovers in an airtight container and keep them in a cool, dry place for later use.
5. Chocolate Cookies
Surprise your family with sweet and chocolaty gluten-free cookies. You can prepare your cookies from simple everyday ingredients such as shredded coconut, Medjool dates, pinch salt, vanilla bean powder, and cacao powder. The preparation process is simple and fun, provided you have a food processor and dehydrator.
Mix your coconut with the salt, cacao powder, and vanilla in a food processor. Add the pitted dates to the mixture and mix it well to form a clump. Use a cutter or egg ring to create cookie shape. If you don’t have an egg ring or cutter, you can use your handles, too.
Put the cookie-shaped clump mixture on the dehydrator and set it to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Let it cook for three hours. To get crunchy cookies, ensure you first firm up the mixture before dehydrating. Consider using raw cocoa unless you want extremely sweet cookies, which your kids will love.
6. Apple Cinnamon Granola Bites
Turn your cinnamon granola apple into delicious crunchy meals that can be taken as snacks or breakfast meals. The good thing about cinnamon granola apple bites is they can be served as a dessert together with homemade ice cream. Dried crunchy granola cinnamon apple bites don’t spoil in days, so you can cook enough to last you for several weeks.
The needed ingredients to preparing that tasty, crunchy cinnamon granite bite are diced apple, hemp seed, table salt, vanilla, buckwheat, rolled oats, water, dates, and cinnamon. The preparation process is simple and fun. Soak your buckwheat for about 8 hours, rinse, and drain the buckwheat until it sprouts.
Put water and date in another bowl and blend them to form a paste. Slice the apple to ½-inch pieces. Get the dough, the buckwheat, the apple slices, and all other ingredients, and mix them up in a bowl. Now, put the formed mixture and spread it on your dehydrator sheet. You should dry the mixture at 165 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour to avoid fermentation and then for three more hours.
7. Veggie Burgers
Homemade burgers are a great way to stay vegan while heating delicious and incredibly healthy diets. Making burgers at home is easy and takes no time. The best part is that veggie burgers can be eaten at any time of the day throughout the three seasons of the year.
The necessary ingredients to prepare the most delicious burgers include carrots, almonds, lemon juice, brown onion fresh parsley, table salt, dried rosemary, curry powder, and dried tarragon. It’s strongly recommended to use fresh parsley. Get the carrots and onions and slice them into small pieces. Blend them in a food processor and add all other ingredients to create a paste.
Use a cutter or egg ring to shape the burgers nicely. Once you make enough pieces, place them on your dehydrator and dry them at 108 degrees Fahrenheit for 6 hours. Remove your burgers from the dehydrator, serve, and enjoy with friends or family.
Store the remaining burgers in airtight container or bag and place them safely in the freezer. You can always warm them up when you want to eat.
8. Raw Zucchini Chips
Turn your zucchini into delicious chips that pack loads of nutrients and don’t expose you to extreme fats and salts. These are the necessary ingredients for you to prepare delicious chips from zucchini.
- Dried oregano and basil
- Agave and balsamic vinegar
- Sliced zucchini rounds
- Olive oil dried parsley
- Online power and black pepper
- Crushed red pepper and garlic
Cut the zucchini into small pieces and pat dry them if you want. Put the dried zucchini in a lidded container. Use a bowl to paddle together all the other ingredients before you pour the sliced zucchini. Shake to mix them until you see an even coating on the zucchini.
Now, spread the zucchini on the dehydrator sheets and set the dehydrator to heat at 145 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour, after which you should lower it to 120 degrees Fahrenheit and dry for another 12 hours until you get crisps.
Serve the crisps and enjoy with your loved ones. You can store the remaining crisps in airtight containers.
9. Raw Vegan Bread
Raw vegan bread comes with multiple health benefits. You prepare the bread as per your preferences with the ingredients you love. So, you’re going to be eating healthy bread without investing so much on the same. The ingredients needed to make raw bread at home include cucumber, carrot juice pulp, salt, raisins, flax oil, flaxseed, and water.
Blend the cucumber, carrot juice, flax oil, flaxseed, and salt properly before adding raisins and pulse. Add some water to the mixture you just made, and ensure you limit the water not to add too much of it. Cut the paste into small pieces and press it firmly to get nice-shaped bruschettas. Add a small amount of oil to get the best results.
Place the small nice-shaped bread pieces on to the dehydrate tray and put it on after setting the temperatures to 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Dry the compound for one hour and then turn the other side. Dry it for another hour before rolling it again. You can serve your bread with a healthy salad.
10. Vegan Cauliflower Jerky
The last great vegan recipe you can try with your dehydrator is a cauliflower jerky recipe. With this recipe, all you need is raw tahini, yeast, apple cider vinegar, salt-smoked paprika, dried parsley, cauliflower, and vegetable broth.
Get a bowl and add the smoked paprika, salt, sriracha, apple cider vinegar, tahini, and nooch. Add the vegetable broth and stir it well to get a smooth mix. Put the florets into the mix and leave it for 15 minutes for the plant to infuse the marinade.
Once done, put your florets on the dehydrator trays sheet. Sprinkle a little salt over the floret and then set your dehydrator to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Put it on and let it dry the veggies for about 12 hours. Now, serve your jerky with any other favorite food. You can store the excess jerky in an airtight container and keep it in a freezer.
If you have a dehydrator you haven’t used for quite some time, these are some fantastic vegan recipes you can try out. They’re easy and fun to prepare, and you will surely enjoy every bit of the preparation process.
All the ingredients are readily available, and the preparation techniques are user-friendly. They’re great if you want to introduce a new way of eating the vegan way without sacrificing your health and food deliciousness. If you feel like trying some beef jerky tho, check out our homemade jerky recipes.