Welcome! Today, we have an exciting and interesting article: dehydrating eggs for long-term storage. We’ll be sharing a simple process that begins by blending eggs and placing them in trays designed for dehydrators.
I’ll demonstrate the process using a blender, dehydrator trays, and a few other handy tools. Get ready to learn the ins and outs of preserving eggs for future use!

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How to dehydrate eggs the correct way?
In this article:
Step 1: Preparing the Eggs
First, break the eggs into a blender container. Start with seven, or eight eggs. Blend them slightly, pulsing four times to reach the desired consistency. Just enough to mix the yolks and whites. Think about how you want to use the dehydrated eggs later on, as this will help determine the consistency you need.
If you plan to use them for scrambled eggs, omelettes, or in baked goods like cakes, pancakes, waffles, and scones, you’ll want the eggs to rehydrate in their raw state.
Step 2: Dehydration Process
When dehydrating eggs, it’s crucial to pay close attention to the temperature. I say this again: pay close attention to the temperature at which you dehydrate the eggs. The proteins in the egg whites (albumin) begin to coagulate at around 140°F, and we want to prevent that from happening.
Pour the blended eggs onto your dehydrator trays, aiming for about eight eggs per tray. Carefully slide the trays back into the dehydrator, ensuring they are level. If your dehydrator doesn’t come with appropriate trays (fruit-roll sheets are the most suitable for this job), you may need to improvise by lining the trays with plastic wrap or similar materials.
Set your dehydrator to 140°F or lower, depending on its settings. Our trusty Magic Mill dehydrator has served us well, and while the plastic trays may not be the most modern option, they’ve done a fantastic job (see the review of the 5-tray model). After setting the dehydrator for 12 hours, the eggs should be adequately dehydrated and ready for storage, but the time can vary depending on the thickness of the egg layer on the tray.
Step 3: Ensuring Safety and Longevity
It’s essential to know that dehydrated eggs can be safely stored for long-term use. However, calculating the number of eggs you’ll need for a year is crucial, as home-dehydrated or freeze-dried eggs have a shelf life of about a year.
Professionally canned eggs can last up to 10 years, but we cannot replicate their processes at home. By rotating through your egg supply and replenishing it, you can ensure you always have fresh eggs on hand.
Step 4: Know Your Enemy – Salmonella and Botulism
When preserving eggs, especially in their raw state, it’s essential to be aware of potential foodborne illnesses, such as salmonella and botulism.
Very important:
Both dehydrated and freeze-dried eggs must be cooked before consumption. The drying process doesn’t reach high enough temperatures to kill salmonella. You can safely cook these eggs by scrambling them, adding them to pancakes or baked goods, or any other cooking method that ensures they’re fully cooked.
Take all the necessary precautions during the dehydration process and when using the powdered eggs to prevent these harmful bacteria from causing any problems.
Step 5: Blending and Powdering
Once the eggs are dehydrated, blend them into a fine powder. Make sure they are thoroughly powdered to ensure even rehydration and to prevent any bacterial growth. Pass the powder through a strainer to remove any remaining larger particles.
Step 6: Storing the Powdered Eggs
Store the powdered eggs in a vacuum-sealed container with an oxygen absorber to maintain freshness and prevent bacterial growth. Always check the dryness of the eggs, as it is crucial for their longevity and safety.
And there you have it! By following these steps, you can safely dry and store eggs for long-term use, ensuring you always have a delicious, protein-packed ingredient on hand for your culinary adventures.
Is it safe to dehydrate raw eggs?
Yes, it is safe to dehydrate raw eggs, but it is crucial to cook them before consuming to avoid potential foodborne illnesses.
How long do dehydrated eggs last?
Dehydrated eggs can last between 2 to 5 years if stored properly in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
What are the benefits of dehydrating eggs?
Dehydrating eggs extends their shelf life, reduces their weight for easy transportation, and makes them convenient for various recipes.
Can I powder eggs on a dehydrator?
Yes, you can powder eggs using a dehydrator by dehydrating them and then grinding them into a fine powder.
How do you dehydrate raw eggs in a dehydrator?
o dehydrate raw eggs, whisk them, pour them onto lined dehydrator trays, and dehydrate at 145°F (63°C) for 8-10 hours or until completely dry.
Is it better to dehydrate eggs raw or cooked?
It is better to dehydrate raw eggs for a smoother texture and easier rehydration.
Are dehydrated eggs healthy?
Yes, dehydrated eggs retain most of their nutritional value and can be a healthy addition to your diet.
How many dehydrated eggs equal one egg?
Approximately 2 tablespoons of dehydrated egg powder equal one whole egg.
Why are my dehydrated eggs gritty?
Dehydrated eggs can become gritty if they are not dried thoroughly or ground finely enough.
Do dehydrated eggs taste good?
When properly rehydrated and cooked, dehydrated eggs can taste very similar to fresh eggs.
Can you make scrambled eggs from dehydrated eggs?
Yes, you can make scrambled eggs by rehydrating dehydrated egg powder and cooking it as you would with fresh eggs.
Is it better to dehydrate or freeze dry eggs?
Both methods have their benefits; dehydrating is more cost-effective, while freeze-drying may better retain the egg’s texture and nutritional value.
How do you know when dehydrated eggs are done?
Dehydrated eggs are done when they are completely dry and can be easily crumbled into a powder.
How do you store dehydrated eggs?
Store dehydrated eggs in an airtight container with an oxygen absorber, and vacuum seal if possible, to extend their shelf life.
Can you use dehydrated eggs in baking?
Yes, you can use dehydrated eggs in baking recipes by rehydrating them and using them as you would fresh eggs.
If you’re looking for a convenient and economical way to preserve eggs, using a food dehydrator is a game-changer. With just a few simple steps, you can dehydrate eggs and create a shelf-stable ingredient that can be used in a wide range of dishes.
So don’t let your eggs go to waste – get your hands on a food dehydrator and start dehydrating today!