How to Make Cloth Covers for Dehydrator Racks [DIY Project]

By Eric Mitchell โ€ข  Updated: Aug 2, 2023 โ€ข  6 min read

Are you seeking a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to enhance your food dehydrating process? Have you ever thought about crafting your cloth covers for your dehydrator racks? If not, then it’s time to give it a go.

Not only do these liners offer a frugal way to maximize the use of your dehydrator, but they also significantly reduce the amount of plastic that comes into contact with your food. So, let’s dive into how to create these easy, reusable, and practical cloth covers.

How to Make Cloth Covers for Dehydrator Racks

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TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read): Key Takeaways

Materials Needed (for making cloth covers for dehydrator racks)

To start with, here’s what you’ll need:

The fabric of choice is plain, white cotton, preferably recycled from old sheets or pillowcases. It’s essential to opt for 100% cotton material. Even if the sheet has a few tears here and there, as long as it has some solid sections, it’s good to go.

Crafting the Cloth Covers

Step 1: Trace the Pattern

Start by laying out your fabric on a flat surface. If you’re using a pillowcase, doubling it over allows you to cut two pieces at once. However, keep in mind not to go beyond two or three layers to prevent the fabric from slipping.

Place your dehydrator tray or fruit roll tray on top of the fabric. The trays serve as a perfect template to draw your pattern. Trace around the outside of the tray with your pen. For the inner circle, tilt the pen to make the circle as small as possible.

For the outer circle, tilt the pen inwards to make it wider. Aim for a circle that’s wider than the tray and narrower than the tray’s center. This way, the cloth cover will fit snugly and cover the tray’s sides as well.

Step 2: Cut Out the Pattern

Next, take your sharp sewing scissors and cut out your traced pattern. If you are pressed for time, don’t worry about hemming the edges. Since we are using a circular pattern, the fabric tends not to fray as much compared to a straight line.

  1. Cut around the outside of your traced pattern. Try to cut just beyond the outside line. This gives your cover a little more room for error.
  2. Fold the fabric in half, aligning the inner circle marks.
  3. Cut along the inside line to create the inner circle. As with the outer edge, it is recommended to cut just inside of the line. Remember, the goal is functionality, not aesthetics, so it doesn’t have to be perfect.

Step 3: Testing and Adjusting Your Liner

With the cutting done, it’s time to test the liner:

  1. Place the cloth liner onto your dehydrator tray. You may prefer to wash it first. Most types of ink used for drawing patterns will wash out.
  2. If the liner lifts up a bit around the rim, that’s fine. It adds an extra layer of protection for your food.
  3. If the cloth liner is too loose, consider making the inner circle slightly smaller for a tighter fit.

Note: An alternative method is to cut an X in the fabric rather than a full circle. This would allow the cloth to extend further down into the tray, providing more coverage.

Step 4: Making Square Cloth Covers

You may also wish to make square cloth covers for different types of dehydrator racks. The process is similar to the one for circular racks. Cut squares from your fabric, slightly larger than the rack’s dimensions.

These square liners are particularly useful when drying smaller items or when the rack is placed near a heat source, like a wood stove.

To create square ones for square racks, simply cut out squares instead of circles. They can be used to prevent small herbs from falling through the racks or to cover foods to protect them from dust and ash during the drying process.

The Benefits of Cloth Covers

Apart from being frugal and easy to make, these cloth covers come with several benefits.

  1. Reduces plastic: The main reason to use cloth covers is to minimize the amount of plastic that comes into contact with your food. Many people prefer this for health and environmental reasons.
  2. Prevents small items from falling: dehydrating small items like herbs can be tricky, as they often fall through the holes in the trays. Cloth liners can catch these small pieces.
  3. Keeps dust and ash away: If you’re drying food near a wood stove, cloth covers can help protect your items from ash and dust.
  4. Increases dehydration efficiency: Cloth liners seem to absorb some moisture from the food, potentially speeding up the dehydration process.

Other DIY projects: DIY food dehydrator


Making cloth covers for dehydrator racks is a simple, economical, and practical method to enhance your food dehydration process. Not only can these DIY solutions improve the quality and cleanliness of your dehydrated food, but they also make your dehydrating trays last longer.

So why not give it a try? You might discover that it’s a game-changer in your food preservation journey. Thanks for reading!

Eric Mitchell

Eric is the owner, author, content director and founder of He is the lead architect and the main man in matters concerning dehydrators, their accessories, guides, reviews and all the accompaniments.Whenever he is not figuring out simple solutions (hacks) involving cookery and their eventual storage, you will find him testing out the different types of dehydrators, to bring us the juicy details regarding these devices.He is a foodie enthusiast, pasionate about making jerky has a knack for healthy and tasty food and won't hesitate to share out any ideas that might be of value around this subject.

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